LinkedIn Features

Top LinkedIn Features You Should Start Using

LinkedIn is fast becoming the go-to platform for businesses and brands looking to reach their target audience. In this article, we will explore some of the key LinkedIn features that you can leverage to enhance your professional profile and achieve your career goals.

LinkedIn is no longer simply a professional social networking platform. It is now used to build credibility, interest, and trust, as well as to create a plausible network. Whether you are a job seeker, a business owner, or a professional looking to expand your network, this guide will provide you with valuable insights and tips to make the most of some LinkedIn features.

Including web link to your profile

LinkedIn now allows you to add website links directly to your contact information. What is the benefit of this? This not only makes your website much easier to find with a single click (as on Instagram), but you can also edit the text into an eye-catching call to action, encouraging people to click through to your website.

There are numerous other ways to enhance your LinkedIn profile. Use relevant keywords and hashtags throughout your profile, as well as a clear and professional profile photo. It’s also a good idea to show some personality – don’t be afraid to discuss your accomplishments or anything you’re particularly proud of.

You can even change the URL of your LinkedIn profile to something more personalized and relevant to what you do. Consider a catchy title for yourself, such as “social media stud” or “queen of design”!

Participating in LinkedIn groups

LinkedIn groups are an excellent way to discover and interact with relevant content and other professionals in your industry. These groups can also be used to share and showcase your content, as well as insightful comments and questions, which is great for engagement.

You can gain credibility, find quality leads, and share in-depth insights by sharing content through LinkedIn groups. The key is to find groups that are relevant to your industry and avoid spamming them with your content.

Before you start promoting your content in a new group, look at the posts that have already been shared and engage regularly. That way, you can be certain that whatever you post is trustworthy and relevant, and that there is already an open, engaging discussion between you and the group’s participants.

Using LinkedIn Newsletters to Expand Your Reach

LinkedIn newsletters are an excellent way to increase your following while also showcasing your fantastic long-form content. LinkedIn newsletters, unlike feed posts, can be much longer and can include images, videos, and articles you’ve written. Users can also sign up for updates. Like a newspaper or magazine, but much more modern and interactive for the digital age.

Sharing Native Video Content

Sharing LinkedIn native video content – videos uploaded directly on LinkedIn or created on the platform itself – is key to getting your content seen in 2022. Unlike other videos, native video content auto-plays in your LinkedIn feed to immediately grab the reader’s eye – and we already know that video content garners more engagement than text posts.

Using Creativity in Your Content

Though LinkedIn was originally a social networking website used to connect with like-minded professionals, the type of content shared has become much more informal and relatable in recent years with the use of emojis, memes, personal anecdotes, and more. It’s critical to investigate what’s being shared on LinkedIn and experiment with your tone of voice and content style to see what your audience best relates to and responds to.

Use polls, carousel posts (by uploading your images as a PDF), and articles to increase engagement. Use emojis liberally in your activity feed to create a mix of engaging and informative content. Captions that are simple and long are much more likely to be scrolled.

LinkedIn Articles Publication

Many businesses struggle with social media platforms because they are trying to get their point across with a limited word count (we’re looking at you, Twitter), or creating short and snappy content that still has value.

Fortunately, LinkedIn articles solve this issue. LinkedIn articles are similar to other types of articles in that they are longer, in-depth posts with a character limit of 120,000 characters that can include images, videos, and other rich media – much like a blog post!

LinkedIn articles can be used to share industry insights and expertise, advice for professionals in your industry, case studies, or even existing blogs from your website.

Credit: Scott Jones

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Sophia Celestina Apenkro

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