Social Media

Using Social Media to Grow Your Brand

In today’s digital age, social media is an invaluable resource for any brand. It’s rare to come across a brand that doesn’t have an online presence, and many products and services can be found with a simple Google search.

So you’ve got an idea and a desire to see it grow, but where do you begin? If you don’t know where to go on social media, here are some tips to help you grow your brand on social media and get seen by the people who really matter!

Create a Strategy

A dream is nothing more than an idea without a plan. Sit down and think about your brand’s strategy and the elements you’ll need to succeed (such as logos, heading photos, etc). Devise a strategy for each social media platform you intend to use and research how your competitors are faring. Before you create your own profiles, you can see what works and what doesn’t. If you approach social media marketing with a clear plan, you will be much better prepared.

Social Media Strategy Guide

Download a Social Media Guide. Your brand’s online presence is more important than ever. Learn how to effectively manage your community and reap the benefits of social media, from setting up the right social accounts for your business to creating high-performing marketing content. Are you looking for help from a social-first digital agency? Contact me to help you today!

Brand Voice/Identity

Before you begin marketing yourself on social media, you must first identify your brand voice. This establishes the tone for all future campaigns, and it’s critical that it remains consistent throughout your branding. To help you find your brand’s voice, consider the following factors and questions:

  1. Tone: Make it clear to your audience what your brand is communicating. Are you carefree and lighthearted, or formal and serious?
  2. Language: A young, hip brand can use more slang, whereas a niche brand can use acronyms and industry-specific jargon. Make sure your language is appropriate for your intended audience!
  3. Motivation: Why is your brand on social media? Are they there to inform, sell, or entertain?


In this day and age, anyone can create eye-catching logos and visuals for use on social media. Users can use free apps like Canva to find templates for everything from logos to flyers and even posts for each social media platform. If you’re feeling particularly inventive, you can always start with a blank canvas and Canva will assist you in finding the right elements to build your ideal vision.

Utilize Various Sources

Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter each have unique advantages. While Twitter favors shorter blocks of text, platforms such as LinkedIn thrive on longer, more in-depth posts. Instagram is a visual platform, and its IGTV feature allows you to create longer video content for users. If you want to focus on one type of social media when you’re first starting out, choose one (Facebook or Instagram are the better options) before branching out. 


Algorithms appreciate consistency. You’re more likely to bring traffic to your profiles and website if you stick to a schedule and post at times when you’re sure to get more engagement. If you’re having trouble maintaining a consistent schedule, consider using a Content Management System (CMS) such as HubSpot or SproutSocial. These systems make it simple to plan, create, publish, and even track the analytics of your online campaigns.

Improve Search Engine Ranking

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be perplexing at first. Social media can (and will) help your brand if you continue to post relevant content about it. By including these keywords in your posts and on your website, you can increase the number of clicks that lead to leads and customers. 

Be a human being

Stop attempting to sell people your product or service and instead connect with them as people. By telling a compelling story and engaging your audience in meaningful ways, you’re allowing for natural engagement that will sell itself in the long run. People trust brands with which they can connect, and if they know a human being is responding to their comments or inquiries, you’ve got a customer for life.

READ NEXT ON: Top LinkedIn Features You Should Start Using

Sophia Celestina Apenkro

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Ahofade

    This was really helpful dear, it’s an add-on for me. Thanks for sharing

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