The Monumental Independence Arch

The Independence Arch in Accra, Ghana is a prominent monument that serves as a reminder of Ghana’s hard-won independence. Situated within the Independence Square, the arch is flanked by stands that can accommodate up to 30,000 people, making it one of the largest city squares in the world. The Independence Square is home to three significant monuments that celebrate the country’s fight for freedom.

Independence Square

The Independence Arch is located at the southern end of the square and overlooks the Gulf of Guinea. Facing the arch on the opposite side of the square is the Memorial of the Unknown Soldier, which pays homage to the brave Ghanaian soldiers who lost their lives fighting for their country. To the north of the square is a roundabout, where the Black Star Gate stands proudly at the center. This imposing monument is adorned with the Black Star of Africa, a symbol of both Africa and Ghana, and bears the inscriptions “AD 1957” and “Freedom and Justice”.

Independence Arch

The Liberation Day Monument is also located within the Independence Square. It commemorates Ghana’s independence from British colonial rule on March 6, 1957, and stands as a testament to the country’s journey towards self-determination. The Independence Square and its monuments are significant not only for their historical importance but also for their sheer size and capacity to host large gatherings. They serve as a testament to Ghana’s rich culture, history, and enduring spirit of independence.

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Sophia Celestina Apenkro

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