Monica Amekoafia

Monica Amekoafia, Miss Ghana’s first winner in 1957

Monica Amekoafia (30 June 1934 – 24 June 1990) was a Ghanaian who won the first Miss Ghana pageant in 1957, representing the Trans-Volta Togoland. She was the ninth contestant. People from the Volta Region are known as Number 9 because of her number.

In June 1934, she was born in Alavanyo, Trans-Volta Togoland, to Augustus Amekoafia and Anastasia Apau. In London, she later married a Ghanaian diplomat, Henry Kofi Marrah. Monica had two sons from a previous relationship at the time of the marriage. They had four children between them.

The Marrah family relocated to Prague in 1961, following her husband’s appointment as Ambassador to Czechoslovakia. Monica’s husband was transferred to Hungary in 1963, where she and her family lived until 1966. She returned to Ghana with her family after the coup that replaced the Nkrumah government with the military National Liberation Council on February 24, 1966.

Monica settled down in Ghana, where, despite being a housewife, she worked in various trades from home. Her primary trade was dressmaking, but she also did tie and dye and soap making, among other things.

Statue of Monica

Monica settled down in Ghana, where, despite being a housewife, she worked in various trades from home. Her primary trade was dressmaking, but she also did tie and dye and soap making, among other things.

Her husband, Henry, who had left the diplomatic service to pursue a private business, died in September 1985. Monica died on June 24, 1990, as a result of an asthma attack.

Ultimately a statue of Miss Ghana 1957, Miss Amekoafia of blessed memory, was unveiled at a brief ceremony as part of the country’s Golden Jubilee celebration at Hohoe to immortalize the late Amekoafia as an instrument of inspiration to the present generation, especially the youth.

Monica Amekoafia’s Prize

The grand prize at the time was a trip to London to meet the Mayor. In March, the same year she was crowned Miss Ghana, she arrived in London and made a few courtesy calls. For the first time in her life, she received beauty treatment at Max Factor’s studios and made numerous trips to clothing and textile stores.

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Sophia Celestina Apenkro

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