Bishop Herman College

History of Bishop Herman College

Bishop Herman College is a renowned Catholic boys’ secondary school located in the Volta Region of Ghana. It was established on 28 February 1952 by Dutch missionaries, making it the first Catholic boys’ secondary school in the region. The school was named after French Catholic Bishop Augustine Herman, who served in the Keta Diocese from 1923 to 1945.

The school is well known for its academic excellence and is regarded as one of the best-performing senior high schools in Ghana. The school’s motto, “Sicut Miles Christi,” which translates to “As Soldiers of Christ,” reflects the school’s strong Catholic identity and mission.

Bishop Herman College is under the administration of the archdiocese of Ho, and its alumni are called BHOBUs, while the students are called BIHECans. The school’s nickname is BIHECO.

The school has produced several notable alumni in various fields, including politics, education, and sports. The school has a strong sports tradition and is known for its achievements in athletics, football, and other sports.

The School Crest and Motto

The school’s crest features an inverted dome with a black map of Africa at the center. A red cross runs across the map, representing the Catholic Church’s mission of evangelizing the African continent. The dome is split diagonally, with the top left portion painted green and the bottom right portion painted gold. These colors symbolize the rich resources of the region, with green representing the color of Bishop Herman College. The school’s motto is “Sicut Miles Christi,” which means “As A Soldier of Christ.

Student Body

Bishop Herman College has a population of approximately 2000 students, with day students making up less than 2% of the total enrollment. The college is renowned for its comprehensive programs in general arts, business, and science, and it caters to Ghana’s most elite students. Additionally, the school offers a para-Air force cadet program that prepares students for enrollment in the Military Officers Academy. Many students enroll in Bishop Herman College due to family tradition, and admission to the institution is highly competitive, with the school receiving the most annual applications among boys’ institutions.


According to WAEC rankings, Bishop Herman is the top-performing school in the Volta Region. Additionally, the school’s interest in science has resulted in their victory in the first-ever National Robotics Competition, as well as two more subsequent competitions.

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Sophia Celestina Apenkro

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