
Find out more about TwoCents and why you should sign-up.

TwoCents is a knowledge-sharing community for the generation that will change Africa.

Every week, the platform hosts Q&A Sessions with some of Africa’s finest minds. The objective of TwoCents is to bridge the gap between the next generation of African game-changers, thinkers, leaders, creators, and achievers, and the current crop of industry titans, thought-leaders, politicians, and leaders in academia, etc.

Its vision is to make it possible for those who are next in line, to meet and learn from those who truly know.

How TwoCents Sessions work

A session consists of two parts, an interview section, and a question section.

The interview part has 10 interview questions with the person being hosted. The purpose of the interview is to get you familiarized with the person being hosted and to help you begin to formulate the question you might want to ask this person. The interview part becomes accessible once a session opens.

The question section is where questions asked in a particular session reside – questions are ordered in descending order of answer requests. Answer requests are a way of showing the community’s interest in a particular question; the more answer requests a question has, the more likely it is to get answered by the person being hosted.

Questions can be asked between a session’s opening date and closing date – and only one question is permitted per user. Once a question has been answered, it can’t be edited or removed from a session.


Visit the Website to SignUp

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Sophia Celestina Apenkro

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