Tongo Hills

Tongo Hills

The Tongo Hills is a range of mountains situated in the Northern Plains of Ghana, south of Tongo. The hills are uniquely shaped like a U and are open towards the north. At the end of this valley lies the community of Tenzug. Besides the hills, the area around Tenzug is home to several other attractions.

Tongo Hills

One such attraction is the Tenzug-Shrine, a religious site that requires visitors to remove their shirts before entering. Another landmark in the area is the Old School, which consists of rocks that were used as a school building in the past. Visitors can explore the Old School and learn about the history of education in the Tenzug community.

The Hiding Cave is another point of interest located near Tenzug. This cave was used by the people of Tenzug to hide from the British colonialists during the colonial era. Visitors can explore the cave and learn about the history of the people who lived in the area and their struggles against colonialism.

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Sophia Celestina Apenkro

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