St. Louis Senior High School

History of St. Louis Senior High School

St. Louis Senior High School is a notable educational institution in Ghana, situated in the Oduom suburb of Kumasi in the Ashanti Region. The school was established in 1952 by the St. Louis Sisters, a Teaching Order of nuns, who arrived in Ghana in 1947. They were invited to establish girls’ schools in different parts of the country by the chiefs and people who were concerned about the low enrollment of girls in schools.

The St. Louis Sisters began their work by taking over the running of an elementary school, the St. Bernadette School, which was later renamed ‘Roman Girls’. Subsequently, they established a new secondary school on the same compound in 1952, which was named St. Louis Secondary School. The school began with an initial group of 12 girls, and the first batch of students wrote their “O” Level Examination in December 1957, numbering 11.

Despite staffing and financial difficulties, the student population continued to grow, which necessitated the provision of further accommodation. With the help of Nana Osei Agyemang Prempeh II, the then Asantehene, the requisite site was provided, and funds were provided by both the Diocese and the Sisters.

Over the years, the school has received glowing reports from inspectors about the excellence of teaching given by the Sisters. The school has a reputation for having an “air of efficiency” and “very good organization and discipline.” It was on the strength of these commendations that the Ministry of Education wished the Sisters would open a Training College on the site on which St. Louis Secondary School now stands. In 1960, a change-over took place, and St. Louis Secondary School moved to its present site, and the foundation stone was laid by the late Otumfuo Osei Agyemang Prempeh II, Asantehene.

In 1964, the Administration Block was built and dedicated to the “Annunciation” and more buildings were put up to meet the school’s expanding needs. The school has continued to grow over the years, and it now has many more buildings, including a library complex.

St. Louis Senior High School has a reputation for providing a holistic education that emphasizes the development of strong and enlightened Christians capable of exercising much influence in social and political affairs. The St. Louis Sisters and the Church have always adopted a holistic approach to education, recognizing the importance of female education long before “Girl child” education became a popular slogan.

The school has produced many notable alumni who have excelled in various fields, including politics, business, and the arts. The school has a proud tradition of producing confident, competent, and compassionate young women who are equipped to take on the challenges of the world.

St. Louis Senior High School is a remarkable educational institution in Ghana that has played a significant role in promoting female education in the country. The St. Louis Sisters’ commitment to providing a holistic education has helped to produce many confident and competent young women who have excelled in various fields. The school’s continued growth and success are a testament to the hard work and dedication of the Sisters and the students who have passed through its doors over the years.


St. Louis Senior High School has an enduring partnership with Opoku Ware Senior High School, which is commonly referred to as AkataSlopsa. The two schools maintain an ongoing alliance that promotes mutual cooperation, interaction, and collaboration between students, teachers, and administrators.

Notable Alumni

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Sophia Celestina Apenkro

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