Dear Freshman

Dear Freshman

University admissions are out. Freshmen are getting set to read a variety of programs; the feeling can be great or disappointing.

In my first year at the University of Ghana, I was disappointed in myself for being offered Geography, Sociology, and Chinese as my undergraduate courses. Don’t blame me, at least most people I met on campus made me feel mediocre. You’ll hear someone say, ‘ah! So what will you use the Chinese for?’ Another will say, ‘so what will you do after completing school?’ Some tried to console me by saying, ‘oh don’t worry.

You can drop the Chinese after the first year!’ I already dropped Chinese and Sociology in my mind before I started my journey to acquire a degree so I was confident that after the first year, I could boldly mention my course of study when asked (at least, Geography and Resource Development sounds more pleasing to the ear)

The feeling is different today! I have completed my undergraduate course with a combined major in Chinese and Sociology, and I am so proud of myself! Today, I speak, read, and write Chinese fluently. I’ve worked as a Chinese translator for some Chinese companies already and I am so proud of myself!
Studying Sociology has also changed my worldview on a number of key societal issues. Drop me in any part of this country or overseas and I will survive.

Dear friends, do not mock freshmen when they tell you about the courses they are reading. Allow students to enthusiastically approach their field of study!

Dear Freshman, congrats on your admission to the university. Study hard, explore your strengths, and maximize them!

Source: Akorfa Ama Akoto

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Sophia Celestina Apenkro

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Duncan

    Wow! This is inspirational
    I had a similar experience as a freshman.

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