
Bobiri Forest Reserve and Butterfly Sanctuary

Bobiri Forest Reserve and Butterfly Sanctuary is a popular ecotourism destination located in Ghana, West Africa. As the only butterfly sanctuary in West Africa, it boasts an impressive collection of approximately 400 species of butterflies. The sanctuary is situated on the main Accra – Kumasi Highway in the village of Kubease, which is conveniently located near Kumasi and just a 25-minute drive from KNUST (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology).

The Forest Reserve is surrounded by six different communities, including Krofrom, Kubease, Ndobom, Koforidua, Nkwankwaduam, and Tsteteseakasum. This undisturbed rainforest is a quiet research center that showcases an arboretum, forest hiking trails, and the butterfly sanctuary. Visitors have the option of taking advantage of lodging, guiding, and interpretative materials.

The butterfly sanctuary is located in front of the guesthouse, where visitors can observe different species of butterflies at their best during mid-day when the butterflies are most active. The forest canopy provides a cool and conducive environment for visitors to explore and enjoy.

Bobiri Forest Reserve and Butterfly Sanctuary was created in 1931 and has an area of 54.65 km². The forest is enjoyable anytime, but butterflies are most abundant from March through June, with May being the peak most visible and active between 11 am – 4 pm on warm, sunny days.

The reserve is ideal for a rainforest walk through the carefully laid paths, and visitors can also identify different tree species along the way. The conservation area was established in 1931 and covers an area of 54.65 km2 (21.10 sq mi), making it a significant conservation site in the region.

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Sophia Celestina Apenkro

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